Friday, October 28, 2011

TTBTITWE's: Ciaran Hughes

Ok we have not been posting in awhile due to one thing.
I'll give you a clue...
You live there.

Anyways we kick off getting in to our Winter months with a lovely sit down with Skateharvest, SD, Downeypoo, SCAG boy(too many titles) Ciaran Hughes.
*I swivel my chair around to Ciaran who is sitting behind me wearing nothing but a thong*

Hey Ciaran...
Who is this?


Shit sorry TTBTITWE'S...
You misspelt the abbreviation.

English degree Daire, I got to call you on these things.

Anyways would you like to display an interest in telling us your favoured things
in a one to ten fashion...?
One being the most favourable in a descending order?


1.Pivot Fakies
2. The Releasing of the Kraken
3. Berlin
4. Opel Astra's
5. Chicken Wangs
6. Beanzer
7. Paddy Walsh
(Should be higher than 7th)
8. The feeling of Joy when Mikey links you to something.
9.  Romon Gerardo Estevez....Martin Sheen...
10. S Club Jr's - Puppy Love

Cheers Ciaran. And now for no apparent reason enjoy S CLUB JR's with "PUPPY LOVE"

More SCAG material coming soon!

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